Met up with Mr.Rudy Loo (Overseas Union Garden Sdn Bhd)

Manager/Properties Administration & his assistant Encik Suffi from Overseas Union Garden Sdn Bhd, to chat over the worsening traffic / indiscriminate parking woes faced by our taman yarl folks on a daily basis especially during peak hours.

Lo and behold…contrary to what many have assumed, the culprit isn’t the kopitiam but the campus ranger & able learner centers collectively instead, folks

Many parents double park their vehicles along the road shoulders including the bends, corners, curbs etc to alight and fetch their children from, particularly the able learner centre that is located right above the kopitiam.

The OUG Management office will have a word with both the centers and forward my suggestion to employ RELA personnel mon – fri during peak hours to facilitate and ensure free traffic flow without any hindrances or road blockages.

…. failing which strict enforcement will be carried out by the local enforcement authorities for our kawasan ie. DBKL Traffic, Seputeh.

Grace period is 2 weeks from today for adherence & compliance, with a special thanks in advance to Mr.Rudy Loo for his sincere and forthcoming cooperation.

Alvin T. Ariaratnam
Pengerusi MPPWP SZ6
AJK – KRT Taman Yarl
1200h, 15.2.2024,
@ 50, Jln Awan Hijau, K.L